Category Archives: environment

Invite the future into the room

One morning on my train journey to work I read this article by Alex Steffen (thanks @argonaut for the link) I began drafting this post the week before the UK General Election. We are now embracing our new Tory Light government. UK current political hot topic is cuts. Turns out that we aren’t that powerful […]

Also posted in humanity | Tagged environment, future, humanity, world | 3 Responses

Bye Bye Standby

My TV doesn’t have an off switch. The stereo doesn’t have a proper off switch either. In the war against standby this seems to be rather a big obstacle. Each of these devices has a big button which implies that it should be ‘easily turn on and off-able’ (to borrow from the old ad) and […]

Also posted in design | 4 Responses

Ding dong the witch is solar powered

The Balkan Witch is now happily solar powered by the very friendly and helpful people at ecological hosting. Thank you to Jamie for all his help rescuing my blog. Why solar powered? It dawned on me that I bang on about the environment a lot but had failed to consider how much power was being […]

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Online eco-warriors

My friend Claire has Flickr set illustrating the effect sand dredging is having on the Gower Coast. We are a funny bunch us humans, the way we just consume without thinking. As I have said before: reduce, reuse, recycle!

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What’s in a name?

One of my favourite Seth Godin posts is a very old one about the branding of Global Warming. To summarise: Global sounds nice, Warming also sounds nice. What if it were called Atmospheric Cancer or Pollution Death? So, on that note: Reuse, reduce, recycle!

Also posted in Brand | 2 Responses

Chinese company beats everyone else!

Apparently Apple came last and Lenovo came first (replacing Nokia) on a Green Peace list of companies who are nice to the environment. Apple are quick to state that on a different list they come higher. I say well done Lenovo! Apple, we can all try harder, don’t be all tit for tat, it’s the […]

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Tree hugging Standard Life

The Voice of BBC Long Melford has had some post. A letter from Standard Life telling him that his shares are doing well. Very nice. They go on to tell him that they would like to communicate by email. Under the heading ” A responsible approach to business” they ask for an email address so […]

Posted in environment | Tagged customerexperience | Leave a comment

Saving the world

There I was looking at my email and wondering which of a few ideas floating around I should blog about and in what order when the Voice of BBC Long Melford insisted that I look up iCount. “Google it!”. So, I did. I have already mentioned that the environment is one of the things […]

Also posted in humanity | 3 Responses

Usability in refugee camps in Sudan

A friend sent me a link to this article about user research at the coal-face of survival! It describes field research on ovens in use in refugee camps in Sudan. “Before we left for Sudan, we had little idea of what the cooking conditions were like; even some of the aid workers in Khartoum and […]

Posted in environment | 1 Response