Monthly Archives: November 2006

My friend Leisa wrote a post about participation culture recently. This is a subject she and I talk about quite often, mostly because she is a serious blogger and I am a little reserved about the whole thing. She is not the only one who talks about it and in her post Leisa references a […]

Posted in general | Tagged participation, people, privacy |

Whales and usability consultants

We were watching Planet Earth last night (brilliant TV) and they were showing a sequence with a humpback whale mother and calf. The mother was supporting the calf close to the surface so that it could breath. “Imagine being born into an atmosphere* that you can’t breath!” – I said. “If it were up to […]

Posted in design | 5 Responses

Robot power

So here is quite an interesting article about the use of robots to replace humans in the workplace. “Just give it electricity, and a robot can work for long hours, even doing repetitive work, and you don’t have to worry about labor laws,” Sudo said. I can see the appeal from the business perspective but […]

Posted in technology | Tagged customerexperience, robot | Leave a comment

Where do babies come from?

This article came up on my RSS feed from the IET this morning. The headline is “Workplace pressures deter female techies from having children”. As a woman who used to be a ‘proper’ engineer and has always worked in some form of technical environment I think about these sorts of things from time to time. […]

Posted in humanity | 7 Responses

I’m feeling lucky

I spend a lot of my time watching people. Mostly I do this as part of some user research piece or the other but often it is because I am just nosy and like to see how people go about doing things. I also eavesdrop. Apologies to all but in my defence, I do pick […]

Posted in observations | Tagged appropriation, mother, observed | 4 Responses