Monthly Archives: December 2006

Line Rider

I like Line Rider. It reminds me a bit of a cartoon called La Linea (or Bajum Bajum!) that I used to watch when I was little. Now, thanks to Ajax web 2.0 wizadry we can make our own. Hurrah! It’s a long way from the Dragon 32 that I had when I was 8 […]

Posted in technology | Tagged fun, technology | 3 Responses

Worse than self-referential design is design for your mum

I have often sat in design workshops and user research debriefs with groups of people who can’t help but bring their mother in the equation. Pot kettle and black I hear you say (I quote mine repeatedly) and go as far as having a category for her on this very blog. Below is a picture […]

Posted in design, inclusive design | Tagged accessibility, design, inclusivedesign | 6 Responses

The Venice Project

I got to play with one of the early versions of The Venice Project, had a few hassles running later versions, and now I have a shiny new version that I can talk about. Hurrah! It’s quite cool actually. I’m going to start small as I am not entirely clear what I am and am […]

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Tree hugging Standard Life

The Voice of BBC Long Melford has had some post. A letter from Standard Life telling him that his shares are doing well. Very nice. They go on to tell him that they would like to communicate by email. Under the heading ” A responsible approach to business” they ask for an email address so […]

Posted in environment | Tagged customerexperience | Leave a comment

Saving the world

There I was looking at my email and wondering which of a few ideas floating around I should blog about and in what order when the Voice of BBC Long Melford insisted that I look up iCount. “Google it!”. So, I did. I have already mentioned that the environment is one of the things […]

Posted in environment, humanity | 3 Responses

A word on accessibility

Another day another article on websites not being accessible. Why is it so hard for people to create websites that are accessible? What are the barriers? An accessible website doesn’t have to curb the creative juices in any way – it just requires a little bit of thought. Decent code, decent information structure and some […]

Posted in inclusive design | Tagged accessibility, inclusivedesign | Leave a comment

Assumptions and Skype hearing aids

My mother was very pleased to announce to me that her Skype ‘hearing aid’ had arrived. It is too easy to forget that the terminology we [people that ‘work with computers’] use all the time just isn’t used or understood by others. I had a moment with a client the other day – “why don’t […]

Posted in general | Tagged mother | 1 Response