Category Archives: usability

First 10 Papercuts are healed!

OK, so my headline isn’t strictly true but it is cheering on a Monday morning Thank you to everyone for their efforts. David Siegel has the full details on his blog. In addition to the people David mentions – who have put in a sterling effort –  I would also like to thank all the […]

Posted in usability | Tagged , Community, papercuts, Ubuntu, usability | Leave a comment

Zip, archive, package or compress? Help!

As part of the 100 paper cuts project that we are running for the next Ubuntu release we are focussing on small usability problems that, if fixed, will make the Ubuntu desktop experience feel smoother, safer, better. The developers are helping us fix them but we could do with usability and design input to help […]

Posted in usability | Tagged , testing, Ubuntu, usability | 23 Responses

Users Rule

Over the years I have toyed with the idea of writing a book aimed at consumers. I would love to redefine what it means that something works and I would love to get to a stage where people can walk into a shop and return something simply because the people who designed it weren’t thinking […]

Posted in usability | Tagged usability | 3 Responses