Tag Archives: canonical-design

Ivanka, quo vadis?

On the 1st of June 2011 I will be departing these shores on an extended honeymoon with my husband of almost 3 months! I am taking what I believe is officially called ‘a career break’. We will be traveling from the top to the bottom of the world on a motorbike. (Yes, one motorbike. No, […]

Posted in general | Tagged | 24 Responses

Surveying contributions

If you have ever contributed to an open source project or wish you had got round to it then please can you fill in this survey? http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/36WWXCF It isn’t a quick one, but if you have about 20 minutes to spare then your response would be very much appreciated. I will publish the results on […]

Posted in design | Tagged | Comments closed

Looking at Ubuntu Brainstorm: Idea #25801

The Ubuntu Technical Board is currently conducting a review of the top ten Brainstorm issues users have raised about Ubuntu, and Matt asked me to investigate Idea #25801: Help the user understand when closing a window does not terminate the app. In other words, figure out to signal to the user that an application will […]

Posted in design | Tagged | 13 Responses

So, you want to provide an API for the world to use?

I conducted 5 qualitative interviews with developers and here are some findings. You have two problems. The first problem is to design the API. The second is to help people learn to use it. Great API design Is consistent, predictable, learnable. You are creating an API that developers will interact with. In the same way […]

Posted in design, technology | Tagged | 3 Responses

Design by enthusiasm

As many of you are most probably aware I work for Canonical and some of my blog posts from here are syndicated to design.canonical.com. I was asked a rather interesting question on that blog and partly due to the impatience of the asker decided to respond by way of a post. My other motivation for […]

Posted in design, observations | Also tagged opensource | 6 Responses

Guadec Day 2: In pursuit of critical mass

Today I was reminded of this quote by Jane Goodall: If everyone could think a little bit about small choices they make every day: What do you eat, does it result in animal cruelty? What do you wear, how was it made, does it damage the environment? When people start thinking like that they do […]

Posted in design, observations | Also tagged opendesign, opensource | 6 Responses

Guadec Day 1

This week I am at Guadec in Den Haag. For those less familiar with working on open-source projects Guadec is the annual gathering of developers, users and businesses primarily focused on GNOME. GNOME, for those of you who don’t know is the core desktop element of Ubuntu. Explanations for the uninitiated now delivered, I will […]

Posted in design | Tagged | 2 Responses

Art in the open

Are you a musician? Do you make beautiful illustrative wallpapers? Do you take amazing photographs? Do you make clever and inspiring videos or animations? You may be interested in the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase. Do you make open-source tools for creating any of the above? I hope you will be interested in the Ubuntu Free […]

Posted in design | Also tagged art, freeculture, opendesign, participation | 3 Responses

Opinions. Have them.

Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

Posted in humanity | Also tagged observations | 5 Responses

Reasons to celebrate 29th April 2010

One of the first things I did when I joined Canonical just over a year ago was conduct some user research. The idea was to identify some broad areas that needed to be addressed and so I devised sessions that included topics like dealing with music and photos, browsing the Internet, chatting with friends, etc. […]

Posted in design | Also tagged celebration, papercuts | Comments closed